The Schutz American School Students' Newspaper
Vol. II, Issue No. 6, June 2010

الخميس، 11 يونيو 2009

Mohamed Zahran: Conqueror of the Egyptian Economy

The Soccer Star and Guitarist Is Off to College
Aly El Attal

If you walk around campus during lunch, you will probably see most of the seniors hanging out near the front porch or the courtyard. However, Mohamed Zahran can only be found doing one thing in one place—playing soccer in the covered court. Since he came to Schutz in Grade 2, Mohamed, or Z, as he is more commonly known, has participated in every extracurricular activity imaginable. His friendliness and unique character have made him one of the most lovable characters on campus.

After graduating from Schutz, Mohamed will be heading off to the American University in Cairo with some of his classmates where he will acquire a bachelor’s degree in accounting. He is planning on working hard so he can transfer to McGill and graduate from there and eventually obtain a master’s degree from the University of Southern California or Stanford. His hard work and persistence will help him become a businessman who will "conquer the Egyptian economy" by expanding the family business and starting businesses of his own. Even though his main goal is to become a successful businessman, Mohamed also plans on improving his guitar skills so he could obtain the highest diploma and become a semi-professional guitarist.

Eleven years at Schutz have filled Z with lots of memories and aspirations. He still remembers his first day after transferring from the Alexandria Language School. Alaa El Damaty remembers that "everyone thought he was a foreigner." He says that his most memorable moment at Schutz was when he "scored the winning goal at the last minute in the 2008 Varsity Soccer tournament," which is why he will miss the Varsity Soccer tournaments more than anything else. Mohamed feels that many Schutz traditions are changing these days, so he is glad that he will be leaving those changes behind. Despite that, Mohamed believes that Schutz has taught him something very important about life, which is "to think outside the box." He also believes that Schutz empowered him with the knowledge and skills that will benefit him throughout his life. Mohamed’s words of wisdom to the junior class are, "Live your life."

Many people idolize someone great, such as a family member or a public figure, to set an example for what they would like to become in the future. Mohamed is so unique that he believes that he does not need a role model for inspiration. However, he would like to thank his family for shaping him into the person he is today. Mohamed wants to grow up to become a unique man and to blaze his own path towards success. Z claims that he is very open-minded, but does not work well under pressure. His is known to be shy, funny, and kind, but a more subtle quality that he possesses is his trustworthiness.

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