The Schutz American School Students' Newspaper
Vol. II, Issue No. 6, June 2010

الاثنين، 1 يونيو 2009

A Fresh Look

Schutz Renovates its Website Using a Professional Designing Company
Alaa El Damaty

Recently, a decision was made to renovate the school website. The Schutz website was first created in 1997 and was updated once every few months. With the arrival of Mr. Mark McCright in 2006, the website became fully functional and updated on a daily basis. Mr. McCright added website design to the curriculum for the High School Information Technology class. He felt it would provide students with an excellent opportunity to develop a real-life skill. The website became Alexandria’s only student maintained school website. Today the Schutz website can be compared to the best international school websites in regards to content and promotion of student work and projects.

The decision to renovate the site came after much discussion during the Strategic Planning process two years ago. A recommendation was made to develop a more professional appearance. As a result, Mr. McCright was given the responsibility to find and contact a suitable company to create the design. "We looked at various companies that specialize in design and web hosting for schools. We felt SchoolWorld provided the best option as they have experience with international schools as well as schools in the States." The website will feature several new capabilities such as reminders for news and calendar events, an alumni module, and teacher pages, which staff will be able to update on a regular basis. In addition, editing for the site can be done from any Internet computer.

Next, the task was to pick a design for the website. Mr. Mark went through the company’s choices and selected six designs that he felt would best reflect the uniqueness of Schutz American School. All staff members and the IT class students voted on of those designs. The vote was very close and the top three choices were presented to the administration, which will make the final selection. The cost of designing and hosting this website is $4,400 per year, including an alumni module. If everything goes according to schedule, the website is expected to be completed and ready to launch by the end of the school year. This will be a challenge and require a lot of work and effort, as it will be necessary to transfer text and graphics from the old site. The new website will present a new image for Schutz in the Alexandrian society and the international school world.

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