The Schutz American School Students' Newspaper
Vol. II, Issue No. 6, June 2010

الأربعاء، 19 مايو 2010

The Dare Devil

I love Schutz Because of the People
By Farah Kashwa

Nahla Hassan came to Schutz as a ninth grader not knowing what the school will be like and not knowing what to expect about the people there. However, as time went by, Nahla fell in love with the school, not because of its environment, but because of the people themselves. Even though she liked the students, she felt that the teachers did not have as much spirit as the students.

Whoever knows Nahla, knows that she is strong, independent, and confident. Even though Nahla has no role model, she is determined to someday serve as one for the younger generations. Even though her family gives her advice concerning her life, because of her being such an independent girl, they do not influence her decisions so much. Nahla makes her own choices and decisions in life and believes that a person cannot learn life’s great lessons unless they make mistakes and learn from them.

Even though school occupies a lot of her time, Nahla never fails to make some time to do her favorite things. She loves to draw during the weekdays when she has some free time. However, on the weekends, Nahla can be seen dancing the night away and shopping with her friends. Her favorite hobbies though, are sought during the summer since she can go tanning and travel to all the places she dreams of. One of Nahla’s favorite vacation destinations was Russia because she got to spend time with her family during the day, then go out with her cousins at night.

Also due to Nahla’s strong and independent personality, she wants to study abroad. When I asked Nahla where she wishes to study, she replied saying that her top choices are Parsons in New York City and New Jersey Institute of Technology. Although it is not her priority school, she might be attending the American University in Cairo (AUC). I am sure that Nahla will be successful no matter where she plans to study.

Over the years, we have known Nahla to be the daring and the adventurous one so when she graduates, people will feel the difference. She has always been the one to stir up the genius plans that defy authority. Nahla, I am sure people will miss your free and bold spirit on campus so do not change, wherever you end up going.

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