The Last Pharaoh Bids Schutz Farewell
By Aya Kordy
“I want them to be confident in themselves, and do what they love. I want them to always be thinking, question what they learn, and most importantly I want them to keep in touch.” A message delivered for the students and to the students by Kelly Sullivan.
After earning her degree from California and teaching there for a few years, the young goal- oriented girl took off and taught in Brazil then in Madrid. Half way through her journey, she received a phone call from Schutz’s former headmaster Larry Pattie, offering her a job in a small yet unique school in north of Egypt. Overwhelmed with the gesture and with Egypt’s inimitable history, she blindsided accepted the job offer to Schutz American School.
In 1998, 5 years after her arrival to Schutz, Kelly went back to America. She received her Masters Degree in teaching secondary school, and flew back to Schutz in 2000 with the urge of teaching in the place she once called “home.” She has not lived outside Schutz’s doors since then. Nevertheless, after almost two decades of living and teaching in Schutz, Kelly whole heartedly believes that it is time for her to move on.
Her passion and desire for Egypt is what made her stay for all these years; the welcoming hearts and the comfort she once felt is the reason behind her spending almost twenty years of her life behind Schutz’s walls. "My students, no question are the main reason why my years at Schutz have been great”, added Kelly. However, it all comes to an end right here. For the first time in her life, Kelly bought a place for herself. After the end of the school year, she will be flying to Nevada where part of her family lives and where her new home now is. She has to go furnish it and actually see it for she only saw pictures. Nonetheless, she has not yet decided if she will permanently live and teach there. Where she is going to teach next year is still unknown to everyone including Kelly.
“Alexandria is in my heart. Alexandria has my heart”, affirmed Kelly “I will never forget the Red Sea, Aswan, Luxor, Siwa, White Dessert, Nile Cruise, Lake Nasser, the cocktail party at Abu- Simbil, the hot air ride over the temples of Luxor, and scuba diving in the Red Sea.”
Kelly does not fully reveal the real reason behind her decision; however, she mentioned that she got used to Schutz’s tradition, and did not like too much change. Despite the dramatic change that Schutz underwent, Kelly emphasizes that there has always been one element of stability and that is Massimo Laterza, the dean of students. “He is my best friend”, stated Kelly.
Just like Egypt, Schutz has three main pyramids that are the essence and the base of its foundation. In Giza, they have Khufu, Khafre, and Mankaure. In Schutz, we have Kelly, Samiha, and Jackie. The Egyptian Pharaohs said their good byes, one after the other and moved on to their afterlife. Schutz’s teachers said their good byes, one after the other and its time to bid farewell to the last Pharaoh that ever lived in Schutz. Just like the Egyptian pharaohs departed their surroundings and left behind the pyramids that shaped the foundation of Egypt, Kelly will be departing but there is no doubt that she will be leaving her pyramid behind. We hope your life after Schutz is as luminous as it always has been. Schutz bids farewell to its unparalleled math teacher, Kelly Sullivan.
هناك تعليق واحد:
I am looking for Kelly Sullivan since long time ago.
Well, I've met her when I was 19 year s old at Fresno university in California.
, So if somebody know where she is,please let her know I am looking for her.,
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