The Schutz American School Students' Newspaper
Vol. II, Issue No. 6, June 2010

الخميس، 17 ديسمبر 2009

A Student-Governed Zone

The Student Lounge Is in Need of Our Cooperation!

By Farah Kashwa

The student lounge is one of the most important places for the upper school students. It is a place where students can go to study and hang out with friends. It is also a warm place for students to hide in during the cold winter days. The lounge’s back wall used to have signatures of students who have graduated several years ago. That wall was a symbol of how much the students cared about the lounge; they wanted to leave their mark in a place special to them. However, this wall of memories has been painted over. After hearing comments from the senior class, it is obvious that they would like to leave their mark too.
The lounge’s furniture is a topic that students are not happy about. The lounge has basic furniture that “is not very comfortable”, according to several students. Since some students use this lounge for leisure time or when they want to relax, they would like more comfortable furniture to relax on. Apart from big improvements that will take time, the lounge could have small details added to it to make it more cozy.
The lounge also is not one of the cleanest spots in Schutz. Some people who want to go to a quiet place and work are sometimes disgusted to go into the lounge since, most of the time, garbage can be found lying everywhere. People who spend lunch in the lounge need to learn how to clean up before they leave. The administration has taken several steps to prevent the littering problem by occasioanlly closing down the lounge during lunch time. However, the lounge still needs to be taken care of by students in a better way.
I asked some students about their thoughts on how the school can improve the lounge. I got a lot of great ideas, but they are mostly ideas that would take time to execute. When I asked Arnab Chaudhuri what he wanted to see in the lounge in the future, he said, “I would like the lounge to have a TV.” I asked Youssef El Akkad, a ninth grader, a couple of questions about the lounge, and he said, “I go to the lounge to relax. I think that the lounge could be more organized.” When I asked him what he thought about having a TV in the lounge he replied, “That would be great!”
Most students agreed about having a TV in the lounge. Mrs. Jane Walsh, the Head Librarian, said, “I don’t think that would be a great idea. My main concern is students having access to a TV while they are unsupervised. I don’t know much about the lounge, but I do think that it can be improved.
Changing and improving the lounge will take time and a lot of convincing arguments from students to the teachers and administrators. Since students want some changes that the administration might not support, it will take time and it will also take a compromise from both sides to achieve the goal.

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