The Schutz American School Students' Newspaper
Vol. II, Issue No. 6, June 2010

الخميس، 17 ديسمبر 2009

The Spirit Has Graduated

A Campus once Full of Life, Now an Ordinary Campus

By Aya Kordy

More than ten years ago, if you asked any Schutz student what stood out in their school, they would all answer the same thing, “Spirit!” But today, if you ask any of these students that same question, the answer would not be the same. What once used to be the most energetic campus in Alexandria is now just a common campus. It seems like the graduates of the 1990’s took the school spirit along with their diplomas.
When asking Noureen Ben Halim, a student who has been in Schutz for fourteen years and now a senior, what she wishes could be renewed in the school, she replied, “The school’s spirit!” She explained, “The first seniors I can remember were the class of 1998. One of the many things I recall is them dressing up for us, the little kids, on Halloween, and filling the campus with their charisma and unique character.”
We have noticed a great decline in the Schutz’s spirit; starting with the cancellation of the Falcon Cup, to the cancellation of the friendly competitions between students of all grade levels, to the lack of enthusiasm on the senior sale’s day. Where does the problem lie then? How did the school lose its spirit? “The continuous change in teachers is the paramount reason for that”, declared Khaled El Naggar, Ingy Fahmy, and Hoda El Dib, students who have been in Schutz for more than ten years now.
“Throughout the past decade, there was a high teacher turnover to the point that teachers did not get a chance to be fully immersed in the school spirit in order to pass it on to the students”, explained the veteran students. Other students clarified that with the high turnover of the teachers and with the old generations graduating, Schutz’s spirit is quickly fading away. Teachers should be bursting with excitement for everyday and for every morning; however, that is not the case. The lack of awareness of such a crucial component in Schutz is what brought the level of spirit down.
For 84 years, one class after the next graduates from Schutz, and education was always the priority; nonetheless, school spirit was a given. Today, education stands solely on the “must list”. The front porch used to spangle with enthusiasm and students full of excitement. The bond they had with their school was unbreakable. However, today you can barely see life on the front porch, all you see is students enveloped in their studies. All you can see is just an ordinary campus.

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